Help us crowdfund a mission to the moon. 

What Is MoonXcribe?

Humans have preserved their culture, including their beliefs and their life experiences through cave art, engravings, and monuments since time immemorial. MoonXcribe is a once in a lifetime endeavour to preserve human culture through messages of love, life and remembrance in the lunar dust. We’ve put humans on the Moon, now we can put humanity on the Moon.

Please watch our video about why we are doing any of this.

Sponsor your mission from just $20

This is a first come, first served opportunity. Donate today and be part of history.

Our aim is to crowd-fund a mission to the moon, allowing our donors to leave a message of their choice on the lunar surface. Each donation secures an opportunity to purchase a lunar message when the time comes.

Sponsor your mission!

Become a friend of MoonXcribe and sponsor your mission, once you donate you get access to free benefits such as whitepapers, discounts on the MoonXcribe merchandise, take part in community votes and polls, and more!

You will also receive a token which reflects your priority position on the list to be one of the first to acquire a message on the Moon.

Get your name inside the lunar vehicles for free!

Just want to sign-up for our Newsletter without making a donation and get your name included within the lunar vehicles for free?  ​

Just create an Account. It’s completely free.

What do we want to achieve?

  • Realise our special messages for those we love and those we’ve lost, written into, or using the lunar dust
  • Democratising access to the lunar surface for the preservation of our memories and our culture
  • Accelerating interplanetary space technology development, securing the future of humankind
  • Promoting STEM by engaging education systems around the world
  • Reinvest technology & a share of profits to help nurture and sustain our planet
Realise our special messages for those we love and those we’ve lost

What messages can you write?

  • Impressing or building up messages in the lunar dust
  • A message undisturbed by wind or erosion
  • A message that will very likely to last over one million years
  • Varying sizes and lengths of message (from a few feet across)
  • Options for messages etched onto the vehicles we put there
  • Customer receives a photograph of their message including
    options (1 vs several photographs, Earth rise, lander or rover in frame etc.)

Why would you want a message on the moon?

Your message will be eternally etched on the moon!

Project schedule

When Will It Happen

Making A Positive Impact

All of us at MoonXcribe are determined to make a positive impact. We are determined to play our part in STEM education around the World and determined to spin back technologies we adapt and improve into sustainability projects. What we do on the Moon will help us here on Earth.​

Please watch our video to find out more.​

Join the mission today

This is a first come, first served opportunity. Donate today and be part of history.

Become a friend of MoonXcribe in order to get access to our newsletter and donate, and once you donate you get access to free benefits such as whitepapers, discounts on the MoonXcribe merchandise, take part in community votes and polls, and more!

You will also receive a token which reflects your priority position on the list to be one of the first to acquire a message on the Moon.