Layne Fortenberry, Advisor

Layne Fortenberry is a visionary professional with a remarkable journey at the crossroads of space exploration and agriculture. With a passion ignited during childhood by iconic sci-fi classics and the awe-inspiring NASA programs of the 80s, Layne embarked on a lifelong pursuit of space knowledge.

Drawing from a rich agricultural heritage and nearly 25 years of experience in the field, Layne Fortenberry found a perfect harmony between two seemingly distant realms. Serving on the board of AdvancingX, a pioneering space-based company that trains career astronauts, Layne played a crucial role in preparing potential space explorers through zero-gravity underwater simulations and testing advanced bio-monitoring devices in parabolic flights.

Innovation is the cornerstone of Layne Fortenberry’s journey. He advised on Generate, a revolutionary startup focusing on converting human and animal waste into electricity, pushing the boundaries of sustainable energy solutions. Generate has tested its processes on the ISS four separate times.

Layne Fortenberry received a prestigious award for his groundbreaking project, Grainster, a cutting-edge grain trading platform founded in 2014. The project earned recognition from esteemed judges like Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, and Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, acknowledging Layne’s innovative contributions to the Industry.

With over 7 years of experience in the space industry, Layne Fortenberry envisions a future where space agriculture is essential for colonization and long-duration space travel. His high-level discussions with prominent figures in both fields have provided him with a unique perspective on the potential for innovation at the intersection of space and agriculture.

Looking ahead, Layne Fortenberry aims to make a lasting impact by aggregating innovative ideas through his vast networks in both agriculture and space.

With an unyielding commitment to solving problems, Layne Fortenberry is poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the new space economy and driving the future of agriculture in space.