Professor Simon Weeks

Professor Simon Weeks provides Non-Executive Director and technology consultancy services. Simon is an Innovate UK Advisory Council member, a Non-Executive Director of the Offshore Wind Generation Partnership and is a member of the UK Government DfT Council of Experts. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford and a fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society and Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and a Chartered Engineer.

Previously, Simon was CTO for the Aerospace Technology Institute, technically responsible for the UK’s national aerospace technology strategy and £5Bn+ programme. Before that, he was with Rolls-Royce for 24 years, holding senior engineering roles, including Global Head of Aerospace Research & Technology, Director of Engineering Operations for Aero Engine Controls, Head of Control Systems for Civil aerospace and Technical Director for Eurojet. 

Simon gained an MA and DPhil in Chemistry from the University of Oxford; His DPhil research was on fuel cell electrochemistry.